May 22, 2008

24 Hour poison oak laundry

I have not been a good contributor to the environment these days. Laundry service is a 24 hour thing for me. Every towel I use, every pair of trousers I wear goes straight to the laundry after it has been used once. Cause you do infect yourself over and over again with this poison oak!

Soap seems to be the only thing that helps. Soap and a lot of warm, warm water. So, that was a good tip. But it still breaks through. And new spots are popping up every day.

My partner writes his own horror story by looking at it. How one day someone will take the plant to Europe. And plant it in your back garden. Without you or any European doctor knowing it's poison oak. Out loud he wonders when people would figure it out.

One thing is clear. I'll know. I will study every plant from now on before touching it. I won't walk barefoot until the grass has been analyzed. And I'll buy myself a pair of gloves to go geo-caching.


G in Berlin said...

Once it is in yoursystem, it can continue to spread because it is, at that point, an allergic reaction rather than a response to an actual allergen. If it is really bad, visit a dermatologist. They really are better at dealing with it. You may need steroids to control the reaction and if it is bad, you should know that it will be far worse next time and might require a steroid shot (I was severely burned by my last exposure, and nearly scarred. Both my arms were wrapped for three weeks and I needed special creams as well as heavy steroids.)

Alice said...

Thanks, thanks, thanks to all the people sending me comments and mails on how to get rid of that terrible Poison Oak.

If someone wants to know, this is what helped...

- Zanfel soap, twice a day whenever it itched.
- A lot of hot water untill I started swelling, then I switched to verrrrry cold.
- A doctor who gave me some pills against swelling and pills against itching. It didn't help, so I switched to the good old Zyrtec against hay fever.
- Accupuncture

It's my third week now. I think it looks great, but people still yell 'Oh no' when they see it.

Really... Poison oak is just no fun.